I love England! And I’m not just saying that; I really think that God has brought me and my family here for a good reason. So far the adventure has been great, but there have been some ups and downs. For example, school is pretty cool but we get out so late I have almost no free time by the time I get home and finish my homework (or prep, as they call it). All the stores close at 5:30 which is the exact same time that I get out of school, big bummer. That means that if we have to do any shopping that involves me and Anna Catherine we have to do it on the weekend. There are no bells at school so if the teacher decides to keep you late, too bad for you, you’re not going anywhere until the lesson is finished . Once in physics our teacher Dr. Young kept us 10 minutes late so we only had 15 minutes to eat our lunch and be on to our next lesson. It’s so unfair. Don’t let me make you think everything is terrible and I hate it here because there are so many good things about England.
There are a few that I will name. 1. The house is beautiful and our (Me and AC’s) room has the most awesome view. 2. School is huge but is very warm and everyone is nice to me with the exception of my history teacher Mr. Clack. Oh, and everyone in school either refers to me as the cute 1st year with the big smile or Miss America. 3. Church is pretty cool too we worship a little less formally but we sing a lot of the same songs which is encouraging.
School is going to be a great opportunity since I am taking a class called R.S which stands for religious studies. We were filling out a simple little sheet on what we believe and I noticed that one of my friends named Siobhan had written this question: “What do you think happens to us when we die?” She had answered the question like this. I’m not sure. And she had said that there was no such thing as evil. So I think that there is a great chance for me to be a witness there.
My Birthday
I had a grand birthday. 1st we went to the Harry Potter castle. I loved it because there was so much to look at like the keep (where the Duke and Duchess still live), Harry Potter tour, the children’s area and just wandering around the old castle. 2nd we had a Westergreen breakfast on Wednesday where I opened their awesome presents. I got a pack of gel pens, stationary, and cool seals that go on your letters. That day at school I received a pink purse, a necklace, and lots of candy. At dinner that night we had a delicious dinner and I got a Hannah Montana CD from Nathan. From mom and dad I got a sports bag and a cool I-pod case and either a north face or watch they are going to let me choose. That’s a no brainer. AC wants to take me on a shopping spree for my b-day.
Well that’s it for now and thanks for your prayers.
Love ,