As usual, we had no real idea what we had paid good money to go be a part of since it was a new experience. We had even taken one of AC's friends
We drove up to Edinburgh (about 3 hours north) for about 8 hours of worship - they took little 20 minute breaks inbetween bands to set up and take down instruments.
Dennis said it reminded him of a Bible reading we had just finished from 1 Kings 19. The prophet of God, Elijah, was feeling very much alone and afraid. Israel had rejected God. He kept saying, "I'm the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too." The Lord encourages him by telling him that He has a remnant of 7,000 followers in Israel that have not prostituted themselves to the gods of the land. He also brings along Elisha who became his right hand man. Standing among the 7,000 here - it was as if God was telling us too that He has his remnant of believers testifying for Him in the UK. Our favorite time was when Chris Tomlin led- it was not a performance - it was a worship leader pointing people to lift their eyes and hearts to the One who is mighty to save. It was passionate and loud; it was a real glimpse into the awe of heaven and we were deeply encouraged.