Friday, 29 May 2009

Sunny skies

I can't underestimate the power of the sunshine. For the last two weeks, it has been sunny skies and warm. We actually sort of have a tan instead of the milk bottle look. We've had picnics in the backyard or garden, kicked the soccer ball around, gone kayaking and picnicking in Keswick, pulled weeds, planted flowers, and just sat and read or studied in the sun. Well, Nathan hasn't read, that's always a last resort for him but the rest of us have.
The kayaking was a last minute decision since it was sunny and warm and the kids were still off school. You have to do that living here - put off today for the sunshine what you can do tomorrow when it rains. I should patent saying. Paddling with Julieanne meant you got really wet - somehow she likes to accidentally flip water your way. Hmmm.
It's cooler again now - back to jeans and long sleeves. Some of the Brits say that was it, that was summer but I refuse to accept that. Predictions are for a drier summer over here. I sure hope so because we have several visitors coming and it really doesn't get much prettier anywhere when it is sunny here with the rugged mountains, green hills and sparkling ocean.

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Never Been One Before

We've never been the parents of a teenager before so we're learning as we go. It's not easy but it has some precious moments. To make the journey even more challenging, Anna Catherine and Julieanne have never been teenagers either so we're all in unchartered waters together. Thankfully, no one is drowning at the moment, there's no crisis at hand, just the daily questions in your heart of, "Lord, is this right? Do I make a big deal of this one or let this go? What do I say, did I say too much or not enough? Should I really let them do this or wear that or go there?"

Kids need parents - if they didn't, God would have made them like the animals -able to care for themselves after just a few weeks or months. They need guidance and nurturing and boundaries. That doesn't mean they like it all of the time or even accept it willingly or happily. Still, you are the God given life guide for your children and in a myriad of ways they are teaching life lessons to you as well ~it's quite mutual. I've been stretched and deeply blessed by my kids. They've pointed out things in me that I'm not proud of - things I need to work on like being a very task oriented person. They could have helped around the house and studied and I come into their room and ask - "but are you going to practice cello/guitar?" Why couldn't I just say, "Well done!"

It's a tough job being a parent. You don't know if you're pushing enough or too much. Certain personalities would quit when pursuits get tough but you as the parent know that 'persistence is to the quality of the character of a person what carbon is to steel' You want them to learn the value and joy of persevering and doing your very best regardless of the outcome. It's a delicate balance and each kid is different so what worked for one isn't right for the other. Everyday we find ourselves in need of a huge dose of God's wisdom and graciousness. Afterall, we've never been parents to teens before.

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Augusta - Warm in Temperature and Relationships

Nathan and I were treated to a week of sunny skies and warm moments reconnecting with family and friends. My hunny had very generously given me a trip back home for my birthday. So Nathan and I drove to Manchester on a Sunday night, flew out the next morning and arrived back in the sunny south on Monday. Naturally, Nathan wanted a chic-fil-a sandwich straight away. The next day Nathan and I ran errands with Mom and went to the dentist office - how's that for a great first day back! Na did get to go and play with Luke, Josh and Isabel so that made up for the dentist visit. The next day he went to Westminster to be tested so I could have a US guage of where he is in math and language. Luke got to leave school early for us to hit the BMX track but not without the usual challenges of bikes not working and flat tires. I then headed to Davidson School of Fine Arts to take AC's friend,Taylor, out for Starbuck's and talking. That night the girls and I got to spend a luxurious few hours laughing and catching up at PF Changs. (Note who got sunburned at the BMX track)

Nathan got to spend a whole day in Miss Buurma's 4th grade class to experience 4th grade here. They were so helpful. He commented that they did a lot more work and it was actually harder. , Miss Buurma said other than some math tutoring, she thought he would do just fine transitioning back. She said he was enthusiastic and tracked along well with the class. He even had to take a few tests- he passed one.
Before the weekend came Na and I were able to have lunch with Julie Blakey to plan her trip to England in June! We also got to share with Beth Westergreen's K-5 class at Heritage Academy about life in England.

My brother and his family came over Friday and Saturday for some good cooking and craziness! It was great to be with the cousins again. My niece Riley told me she has a sign on her bedroom door that says, "I miss my cousins" Awww - we miss you too, Riley! I think my bro and Walker may join Mom on her August trip. If not then, later, England is calling my brother's name loud and clear.

We had one of Matt's gourmet meals on the grill. Matt told Na we were having beer butt chicken. After a minute of pondering, Nathan asked how a chicken butt could fit in the tiny hole of a beer can? Oh the mind of a child!! I also assigned Matt the task of taking Na to purchase the Daddy sanctioned air soft gun to bring back. A gun in Nathan's hands, even if it is a plastic pellet gun, seems like a crazy idea. So far, all is okay.

Sunday took us to worship both morning and evening at First Pres - nothing like being back with the people of God you did a lot of growing up with! Then over to the Westergreens for Jeff's famous burgers and a swim for Caleb and Na with the Paulk's dog, Belle. We started thinking through their trip to England in July - woo-hoo!
Na got to go on a date with Grammy while I then went out with Julian and his girlfriend, Mary. Monday Na and I were able to go back to our house and spend the evening with the Barretts which is always a boost.
In between all of that Mom and I got to do some good talking, praying and crying. Buddy got loads of love and a bath from both me and Na. Pam and I tried to maintain a steady conversation throughout the week inbetween lots of coming and going. We are used to that anyway - it seemed like old times. We even had to pull over on Wheeler Rd. to throw Na into her car inbetween running errands. We enjoyed trying to pronounce a lot of German words while looking through the info on Vienna which took us to tears of laughter.

Though this is a run down of some of the week - there were still many other meaningful moments and people not mentioned. It was a refreshing time back home. So much so, we are sending the girls home this summer for two weeks to have their own hearts nourished by people that have known and loved them all their lives! We obviously don't give plane tickets for birthday presents but this year as Dennis' card said, 'There is only one thing I can think to give you...a trip back to sunny Augusta!" That it was. Dennis and the girls did just fine without us though I'm sure we were missed. Still, it's good to be back with the family.
This last picture is Nathan trying to stay warm while we waited for the shuttle to pick us up. He's a creative guy no doubt! Yesterday, I wore a turtleneck sweater here in England - last week my son was swimming!