Friday, 9 July 2010

End of School

More than a month later than our American friends, our kids are finally getting out of school. The girls finished on Friday, July 2nd, only to get packing for army camp the next morning. While they have been doing the GI Joe thing or should I say, GI Jane thing, Nathan has been celebrating the end of his days in primary school.

School comes to a close much like the States with school exams, plays, parties,
awards, concerts, etc. Each of the kids had their own sports day seeing AC com
pete in the high jump and co-ed relay while Julieanne ran the 200 meters, the co-ed relay, tug of war and the high jump. Nathan on the other hand was entered in the egg and spoon relay and the 50 meter dash. Though they all had a good outlook on their events, I saw that each Thompson is a true competitor which of course won't surprise anyone that knows me or Dennis. Nathan was neck n neck in the dash but was
edged out to third in the end. He was disqualified from the egg and spoon as his egg fell just before the finish line. Julieanne won first in all her events while AC took first in the high jump and third in the relay.

Anna Catherine completed her 8 or so exams while Julieanne enjoyed her first Duke of Edinburgh hike. Nathan had several football tournaments and presentation night along with a 'Leavers disco'. The girls sang at a jazz concert which was a first for AC to sing in front of someone other than family. It was fun to watch them enjoying the moment together with Julieanne leading on the guitar.

Being in a private British boarding school has introduced us to many new traditions. One being an area of leadership known as school prefect, head of school, head boy and girl and head of house. If you are familiar with Hogwart's in Harry Potter you will remember these posts give kids extra privilege and responsibility. Hermoine took her prefect role oh so seriously. Basically, kids apply for these coveted positions having interviews with the head teacher and other lead teachers. Both AC and Julieanne are in very competent year groups but Anna Catherine's year seems to be chock full of first born over achievers. Every kid except one from her year applied for a school prefect job and he just missed the deadline for turning in the application. For head of school also known
as head boy and head girl, the application also required a presentation on some area to improve the junior and senior years given during the interview process. Then the waiting game.

The school is divided into the junior school, grades 6th - 9th and the senior school being 10th -12th. There are four boarding houses but day pupils are part of the houses as well. Julieanne was given a deputy head position for her house Bega while AC did get a school prefect position as well as head of the senior girls' house, Lonsdale. This was a huge honor for both girls bringing with it untold lessons to be learned.
Today marks the end of an era for the Thompsons as our youngest has his last day in elementary school.
We will now have all three kids in the same school; one senior, one freshman and a sixth grader.