In early September, we enjoyed several cookouts or 'barbeques' with neighbors, Julieanne's class, and the youth group. Thankfully we had good weather for each one and could use the volleyball net and swing ball in the garden.
Dennis made good on a year old promise to reward the girls' good grades with a daddy-daughter trip to London to take in a show. They made the most of their weekend dragging Dad to all the shops on the high street. Phantom of the Opera was terrific but all three
especially enjoyed church at All Soul's.
I had been working on a committee for over a year to coordinate and host a school/alumni/community ball in early September. It was quite time consuming but proved to be a great way to make friends with other parents at the school.
Three kids on three different teams at school kept me busy attending games and snapping pictures. AC was excited to
play in defense on varsity again this year while Julieanne was co-captain on the under 15s team.
Nathan got his first real taste of rugby and is a new fan.
He continues to play on his football (soccer) team outside of school. They experienced the new phenomenon of winning after three years of only an occasional victory. He was instrumental in their win during a penalty shoot out saving the ball to ensure their advantage.
Over the term we have enjoyed some memorable moments with the youth group like mobile phone treasure hunt (cell phone scavenger hunt around town), air band competition, soup supper to raise money for the Dalit children of India, Christmas dinner, One Way youth service and the Christianity Explored video series.

For Children in Need day at school the students were told they could donate £2 to dress up in a costume that started with the letter of their last name for non-uniform day. AC chose to be the Tooth-fairy, JA was a Christmas Tree, and Na was Mr. T. The school does a great job staying involved in charitable events. Other moments to dress up came for Julieanne and Na at the Junior Christmas Ball and for Anna Catherine at the Senior Christmas Ball.

All of the kids have enjoyed moments with their friends though they have remained busy playing sports and keeping up with school work. Each has had academic challenges.
The term ended with a cold snap but treating us to snow. The kids were quick to get outside making snowmen, snow angels and snowballs.

Back in October, Julieanne joined her dramatic classmates as 'Rosie' in their production of 'Cider with Rosie'. Anna Catherine enjoyed her role as Genie of the Lamp in the senior panto, 'Aladdin', an English Christmas tradition.
The autumn term ended mid December with all three kids tired but having been rewarded with a house tie for Julieanne and a cravat for Anna Catherine.