Before going back to school from the holiday break, Dennis asked the kids what they enjoyed most about it. Nathan replied almost reflexively, "having Grammy here!" We all enjoyed having my mom here for two and a half weeks. A bit of home came to us through her and in her suitcase in the form of grits, Reese's, Twizzlers and some gifts I bought on line from the States.
Grammy happily listened to the kids talk - Thompson kids talk a lot, for some reason there's not really a quiet one in the bunch. She looked at pictures of their friends and events, read stories to Nathan, read her own books, cleaned up the kitchen which the girls were oh so happy about, helped with the laundry, watched movies with us, played games - just enjoyed being around seeing the good, the bad, the ugly and loved us all the while.
So glad you came, Mom.
I was just thinking about "grammy" last week. It's good to see her smiling face with all of yours. So is there a waiting list for visits to the Thompson Inn?
It was great hearing from yal. Glad your Mom got to go over for the holidays. All the pics look great.The Edinburgh pics brought back some fun memories for us.
We did not get enough of Scotland and want to return. Ireland is on the list also. Maybe soon?
Our friends are in N. Ireland not Scotland. Have yal been to Keswick? One of the lake pics looked like it to me. There is a great hike there.
The trains are great aren't they?
Also Caperwray Hall has family holidays. Check out their web site.
Nan for all
In Sunday School right now we are reading, "Emotional Healthy Spirituality". We were discussing the third chapter and the question was asked, "What makes you sad"? One of the guys in our group began to tell us that his parents divorced when he was 12 - by the end he was weeping at the effect that this has had on his life and now what this means for his son. - Having to go visit 4 sets of Grandparents. It is just not the way it is supposed to be.
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