After losing every soccer match this year but not losing heart, Nathan's team, the Whitehaven Ameteurs, finally won a game 2-nil. 
Rain, sleet or snow - light or dark, they play 'football' over here. Nathan doesn't seem to mind one bit what the weather is. Well, there was one match where it was sleeting in temperature hovering in the low 30's when he was goalie and his hands hurt - he didn't like that much.
He plays to enjoy the moment which is a great lesson for people like me who lose sight of the real goal. One day in the fall before Na was moved to goalie, he got to start as a mid-fielder. After a few minutes he asked the coach to go out because he was having a hard time breathing. Once he got his breath back he started goofing around with the other guys on the sideline, not even watching the game. I found myself getting increasingly aggitated with him thinking, "Nathan, support your team, get back to the sidelines ready to go back in, stop playing around, go stand by the coach." Mind you, he was kicking the ball and having a great time; it was mom with the problem. I wanted him in the game, exceling. How warped is that - no wonder kids are all hung up on winning instead of enjoying the game. I had a little chat with myself to regain perspective and let Nathan be a kid enjoying the sport. After the half, the coach put him back in the game and he played in fullblast Nathan style. It was a moment I won't forget.
1 comment:
wait... I'm confused... Nathan has a "fullblast" mode? He always seemed so reserved and passive over here. Must be the tea...
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