At the girls' school they have to remain in full uniform at all times unless the headmaster deems it 'officially hot' at which time they may remove both the tie and blazer. They've had at least 6 'officially hot' days in the last two weeks. Julieanne happily models no blazer and the tie coming off. She had a little run in her hose which is a regular occurence but she and AC decided to have a little fun exagerating the hole.
We have had at least 10 days straight of blue skies in the 70s and we are soaking it up!
We had recently been commenting how much we missed the Georgia warmth. No doubt, when we are back home this July with 75% humidity and 100 degrees plus mosquitoes, we probably will think twice about missing Georgia's warmth. 

We've realized that spring is about two months later in coming over here than in Augusta. N
evertheless it is equally beautiful with flowering trees, flower beds in full bloom and sunshine! In fact we've all gotten sunburned! We have enjoyed a few bike rides on the extensive bike paths over here. The scenery is beautiful and if you don't mind pedaling or walking uphill -you'd love it!

Funny thing about the English, they are sure this is all we will get of 'summer'. As Dennis wrote in an earlier blog, they win the prize for pessimism especially when it comes to regarding their weather. Whatever! I'm glad it's officially hot and sunny!
87 with 70% humidity in Macon this week.
Miss you guys.
Wow! You are looking HOT!!!! I miss you all TERRIBLY! As we finish another year, a huge hole has been present without the Thompskins. I look forward to your visit!
What a wonderful blog!
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