Most Saturdays we have treked to watch either soccer
or hockey matches if not both. The real fun started one Saturday when the matches were played in the pouring wind and rain. Up to this point I only owned wellies (rain boots) and a great waterproof jacket. Both work great but that leaves about two feet of unprotected area so naturally after one game in the rain I had to go home throw everything in the dryer and then head out for the next match only to return to do the same thing. The spectators, which aren't too many stand - there are no bleachers and people don't bring those fold up camp chairs.
All of these photos were taken on clear days - I don't take my camera out too much in windy rain for obvious reasons. Anna Catherine is really enjoying field hockey as I've mentioned before. She has been playing a mid fielder position so she gets to do both defense and offense. Her team plays about 20 minutes from their school on an astroturf pitch while Julieanne's age group slogs it out in the mucky grass field. It's a bit muddy but that just adds to the challenge. Nathan's team usually plays on the astroturf. This photo was taken when his team was getting stomped and Na was upset feeling like it was his fault. That's the problem with being a goalie - people don't remember the 10 blocks you made - just the 5 you let in.....This is a stretching position for Nathan to play as he can shut down mentally if he gets discouraged and then the game really is over. He is learning to work through that in school, at home and on the sports field - a huge life lesson no doubt. Thankfully, his coach is pretty undersatnding as you can see here in the picture - a strong back defense helps too.
Go Nathan! You can do it!!! What a huge job to be the goalie! Miss you all lots!
I like the socks.
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