Mom and Dad had arranged for us to borrow someone's home near the beach to give us a few days there.
The view was spectacular
but a house built for 6 doesn't stand up too well to 13.

One thing we quickly learned while there was that people are looking for any way to make money so as soon as your car comes to a stop at the traffic light, people begin washing your windshield, offering you cell phone accessories, food, gum, etc. One time Dennis didn't have any change and he kept telling the window washer he didn't have any mmoney but the guy kept on thinking that once he was finished Dennis would miraculously come up with money.
Really they are just used to people lying to them. He wouldn't take no for an answer and positioned his two sons in front of the car when the light turned green so we couldn't drive on. It seems that there are no traffic laws or at least few that are obeyed. Dad said the rule of the road is "He who gets there first wins." This is the exact oppostie of the polite British drivers we are used to.
Another dangerous thing on the road while you are driving with no seatbelts is that there are scads of mopeds loaded down with several passengers, often toddlers sandwiched inbetween their parents or weighed down with deliveries.
The funniest one being a rainy day when a moped had two riders - one to drive, the other to balance the headboard of a bed. Oh and not far behind them was the guy carrying a full grown live pig. These mopeds dart in and out of traffic usually with no lights at night.
The funniest one being a rainy day when a moped had two riders - one to drive, the other to balance the headboard of a bed. Oh and not far behind them was the guy carrying a full grown live pig. These mopeds dart in and out of traffic usually with no lights at night.
When we told people here we were going to the DR for Christmas
they were immediately envious imagining us on a lovely resort surrounded by luxury. All I was thinking was sunshine and family. Though Casa Yada and the beach house are a world away from the daily existence of most Dominicans, it is more of a third world country than I had prepared myself for. There is no hot water, electricity can go off at any time, the country is dirty and littered, there are tin house villages along the roads where the orange groves are. Blaring at all hours, their music is happy and energetic but their existence is far from carefree and requires tenacity and hope.
There was plenty of time to relax and read while we were away - a most needed break. Dennis even had time to join the throngs of people in the world of Facebook. All in all, it was terrific to see and experience a bit of Mom and Dad's world in the Dominican Republic.
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