Anna Catherine had invited 7 from her school, the other 11 are the core
group of regulars from the youth group from a variety of schools. Friday night after setting up we showed them '16 Blocks' (Carl Rogers would have been proud) Saturday we were at breakfast at 9 which is early for teens.
Tom, the Curate or asst. pastor, led us through an exercise of discovering our worldview using images - it was new for some, enlightening to others and revealing to a few. We then headed off into two groups - mine and Dennis' group hit the high ropes for two hours while Karen and Tom's group spent an hour in the sports hall and then another hour on the low ropes course. After lunch we switched. 

Last year, I discovered on a high ropes course, how terribly afraid of heights I am so I must say I was not looking forward to a repeat performance. Still I gave it a try and with much encouragement and lots of screaming I did it!! I jumped out to the trapeeze and then hung upside down. That's a picture of Dennis hanging upside down.
The low ropes was good fun because it required team effort. The favorite was trying to pass our team through the spider web - stipulations - e
ach of the 11 people had to pass or be passed through an unused portion of the web and no body parts could touch the web. (This was an earlier group of three practicing.) You have to trust people as you are being hoisted up and through the web. Of course it was cold and raining which added to the challenge.
We went swimming and were supposed to play a night game of Capture the Flag. Dennis and some of the other enthusiasts had staked it all out but it was cold and very rainy and some people had not come with the right kind of clothes to be out in this. It was a tough call but Dennis gave up Capture the Flag and we watched 'Cinderella Man' and played cards instead. They especially liked the movie so if you haven't seen it, put it on your 'must
see movie'list.
Somewhere in the wee hours of the night, a few guys had to get kicked out of the girls lodge. They had come for a late night chat.....hmmm. anyway,
Sunday morning we watched a few Chris Tomlin worship songs set to pictures to refocus our thoughts before Dennis then shared, 'The top of puzzle box' as he calls it. It's an illustrated version of life as it was designed by God and then ruined by man and then redeemed again by God. It's called the Bridge - a very helpful tool to help us understand the world around us and the God who set it all in motion. He could tell much of it resonated with the thoughts and feelings they knew deep inside. Lord, willing it will have stirred them up.
It was a fantastic time away and we look forward to seeing what comes of it!
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