You remember we planted the garden back the end of April, so we came home eager to see some signs of life. Well, what happened is I had vibrant plants
growing that I hadn't even planted. First off, the strawberries were thriving but I can't take credit for those because all I did was add fertilizer to the existing plants he already had. (pictured on the right) Then apparently, when I tilled the soil and added fertilizer, the dormant potatoes from years gone by, got just the food and drink they needed to start growing. (the plants thriving in the left corner)
What happened to the seeds Na and I planted? Nothing. Yep, we had planted them too deep so we've tried again and are seeing growth finally.
I remember years ago Kristin Carnahan mentioning how frustrating it was that the weeds in a garden need no care or special attention to thrive yet the flowers and plants that are desirable take much nuturing to blossom. She said it was just like life - the ugly thoughts and motives needed no special care - they just seemed to come spewing forth but the beautiful attitudes and life giving words took special focus and choosing to blossom. I'm seeing that in full force both in my back garden and life's garden.
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