So, why be a 'Man U' fan Uncle David asks? Back in the spring when they were interviewing for the Drigg proposal here in England, out of spite for a huge Liverpool fan on his team, Paul Poynton, Dennis got Na a Manchester United t-shirt. It was all for fun to get at Paul. Since moving here though, Nathan has connected with classmates and soccer team members that are also Manchester fans so he's sold on them much to the dismay of Paul, the Liverpool fan.
So where did Dennis get the Manchester shirt? You guessed right if you said Nathan coerced the girls to go in with him on the shirt for Dad's November birthday.
On Saturday, Dennis and Na drove to 2.5 hours Manchester to sit on a cold rainy day with thousands of enthusiasts to watch Man U beat Derby 4-1. Dennis said Nathan was very focused on the game and not detered by the nasty weather. A Manchester United fan I guess he'll stay.
Can't wait to see Na's soccer skills at the next Regent backyard soccer match - when you all come in for a visit.
I'm a manchester united fan too.
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