For those who have wondered
about the smaller refrigerators here in the UK, you get to peak into ours. The top half is the frig, bottom half the freezer. You shop more often since you don't have room for the amount you do in the full size frig of the US. Believe it or not, since the dollar is so low, our food bill is actually higher than it was in the States - and we fed lots of people at home.
This is the laundry room/closet. Often the washer is in the kitchen under your cabinet but thankfully, ours is on the second floor ina closet.
We have a washer/dryer combination which means once the wash cylce is done you have the option of it going straight into the dry cycle without having to transfer clothes to a seperate unit. In theory, this is brilliant, but in reality, it doesn't work. It takes much longer to dry if it actually does dry and it's very small so clothes come out looking like you sqeezed them by wringing them and leaving them to dry in that form. Needless to say, I'm back to a good bit of ironing here and the old drip dry method. You can fit a a couple of shirts and maybe a pair of pants in one load. I never understood why they had a high powered radiator in the laundry closet but I now I realize it's to speed the drip dry process. The other odd thing about the washer is there is only one temperature even though it has many settings on the dial. The temperature is 'scalding' - at least that is what the clothes feel like when you open the door. So, if you don't want the sweater to shrink, you need to hand wash it. This issue is on my 'honey-do' list for the holiday break.
Nathan's room.
The girl's room
moments after a cleaning but then you get a picture of the room the rest of the week. Dennis calls this 'Girl's room a la naturale'
Hopefully, you saw glimpses of things you recognized and enjoyed the new look in other rooms. We are feeling at 'home' in many ways now. More pictures another day!

Thanks for the pictures. This is so good to see where and how you live in England. Your entire house looks so warm and cozy which is perfect when it is cold and overcast.
I love the girl's room! I see Ikea, right?
hmm... your title: "Can you picture us here?" I guess so, but how bout we picture me there? (with you!) ;)
You have a very beautiful and nice looking home. I enjoyed looking at these pictures. Makes me want to come and visit you there in England. God bless Dennis, Julie, and the kids.
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