I'll back up a bit...2008 marks the 300th Anniversary of Whitehaven so Queen Elizabeth and her hubby, Prince Philip the Duke of Edinburgh came to celebrate the moment. Being the enthsusiastic participant that I am, I bought the little flags and flowers to have in hand. (The girls thought I was nuts - they said, "What? Why did you buy a British flag, you're not even British?" I said, " She's the British Queen isn't she?!!" They just laughed, crazy Mom. I asked my British friends if they wanted to go because Nathan's school gave permission to take your child out of school for the morning. They laughed and said,
"No, but we know you are. You've seen more of England than we have."
Nathan and I met the two other Washington Group wives here early in the morning to get a good spot. Good spot...we were front and center. The St. Bees School brought the 6th graders so Julieanne and her buddies were able to be in the front with the school groups. 

The Queen walked over and talked with her friends which thrilled them.
Some funny differences we noted between a Royal visit and possibly a Presidential visit (which I've never had the oppotunity to attend) In the States a moment like this would have been a capitalist's dream - selling flags, buttons, t-shirts, drinks, books...no such thing over here. I even went late the night before to the store next to the train station where the Queen was arriving to buy an extra flag - not one patriotic item to be found so thinking I had just missed out on the rush, I asked the clerk. Sheepishly she admitted they had nothing, to which I replied, "But your Queen is coming tomorrow, that's sad." She agreed. Oh well.
Also, in the States where people sleep on sidewalks for days to buy electronic games, people would have lined the sidewalks hours before in hopes of getting a good seat. None of that here, we walked to the harbor an hour and 40 minutes before she arrived in town and got a fabulous spot.
So what do you know about Queen Elizabeth II?
If you're like me you need a book so I got one. I went to the library on Monday and checked out a book to read up in prep for the Royal visit. (another funny thing to my kids. I know that secretly they like that about me even though it is a bit annoying at times) She was not even supposed to be the queen. Her Uncle Edward VIII was the heir but he abdicated in favor of Wallis Simpson, a woman he was not allowed to marry because she had been divorced twice. Now there's a choice for you; do you want to marry this woman you love or be the king of England, you can't have both. He went for love of a woman whom he was married to until his death in 1972. That
meant that the crown came to the second son of King George V and Queen Mary, Elizabeth's dad, King George VI. He was king only 16 years when he died in his sleep leaving his eldest daughter, 25 year old year Elizabeth, Queen. As a young wife and mother of two little children she became England's next queen.

At 82, she has traveled more than any other Sovereign in history.
As constitutional monarchy she plays a ceremonial and representational role which is what brought her to Whitehaven. She has 430 engagements a year! Though the 'Royals' get lots of bad press from their countrymen for being a waste of money, they do a staggering amount of charity work -something a President could never do. She is a true queen - elegant, refined, graceful, lovely and given completely to her duties and responsibilities which she has paid dearly to uphold.

It was an exciting day but as our dear friend Jonathan Stamberg said, imagine the King of Kings, Jesus Christ inviting us into His presence! If I was this jazzed about seeing a queen of a country I'm just living in, I can only imagine the thrill of spending eternity with my true King!
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