Thursday, 8 November 2007

Ahoy, Mates!

There was only one trick or treater in the Thompson family this year, Pirate Nathan. For several reasons we decided the girls were done with their days, I mean nights, of trick or treating.

Halloween is not a big deal here but they really go for the scary, wicked stuff for their 'fancy dress' or costume. In other words, there weren't many pirates or princesses or Larry the Cucumbers. Nathan was invited to a friend's for some Halloween games and trick or treating. I went along at the end to walk around to the few houses they visited. I was encouraged by the fact that they were content to walk to a few houses of people they knew and then call it an evening. Back in the States often it seemed that the goal was to see how much of a sugar horde you could haul in. Nathan and his friends shared one bag to 'collect' in and then dumped it on the floor afterwards to divy up. They each came away with about 15 pieces of candy and a few coins. Some people give money rather than candy. Back at our house, we only had one knock at the door while we all watched Hannah Montana and ate candy.

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