Big Mess is what Nathan's room usually looks like; moving across the ocean and having fewer toys hasn't changed that one bit. Nathan was home this week with another 'British Bug' as the doctor calls it (which explains the fun bedhead) so he had extra time on his hands. One afternoon he invited me to join in his Playmobile set up which you see in the pictures. He had recreated the story of Squanto as told on our radio drama CD we listened to this week. Nathan had the Indian village set up and the British ship which had Squanto and others enslaved in the hull.

He even set up the slave auction in Spain and the priest's home who rescued Squanto. For me it was one of those moments when you just marvel. 'Okay, so his room is usually a disaster. So what?' I tell myself, 'Creativity is messy work!' Give me the Playmobile any day over the computer games and Playstation!

VERY fun. I remember hours and hours of great fun with legos, GI Joes, transformers, stuffed animals, etc. spread out all over the place. Better than video games! & your thought on creativity sounds biblical! ("where there's ox, there's no mess...but then again there's no ox" (paraphrase of a Proverb))
Some things never change, but I too remember the adventures of playing with He-Man, Transformers and Thundercats. Those were some of the best times I had as a kid.
Classic Nathan! I love it.
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