the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
We see no reason
Why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot!
This is one of the British ditties to help little kids remember an important moment in their history like our, "Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492" On November fifth, 2007, the valley of Whitehaven was ablaze with massive bonfires and fireworks in celebration of the failed attempt to blow up the Parliament building in 1605. Queen Elizabeth I had just died and nearest relative, Scottsman, James had become king. Elizabeth had created one church in England - the Church of England which to put it very simply looked a lot like Catholicism but the beliefs were more Protestant specifically in the conviction that the Scriptures should be available to all not just clergy. She tolerated no challenge from the Catholics. After her death, about 14 Catholics decided to do away with the King in hopes of bringing England back to Catholic faith. They placed 36 barrels of gunpowder under the parliament building for their fatal plan. The plot was leaked and the guy down in the cellar waiting to light the gunpowder, Guy Fawkes, was tortured and hanged.
Afterwards, bonfires were lit to celebrate the saved life of the King. Nowadays, on the 5th of November people go crazy setting off fireworks and standing around massive bonfires (not the marshmallowing roasting variety, the dangerous, have to be roped off kind.) My brother and Dennis would have a blast setting off these fireworks.
We were treated to our first British holiday, Guy Fawkes or Bonfire Night, thanks to St. Bees School where we warmed ourselves by the bonfire (from about 20 feet away or more), enjoyed a barbeque and fabulous fireworks. The girls stayed for the 'disco' or dance while we went home for a bit. Remember, remember, the fifth of November, we will!
Happy Thanksgiving from across the pond!Sorry it's taking me this long to write to you. It's been a busy fall. The newspaper business is keeping me quite busy (thanks to Sally Roberts). I changed jobs recently, working now for Morris Communications (parent co. of the Augusta Chronicle).
I'll say more in the next week; just thought you might want to check out the church's website - John B. is preaching this Sun. night. I'll close for now, but I hope all is going well, and thanks for keeping us updated. Happy Thanksgiving!
I watched the movie "V for Vendetta" which revolves around a modern Guy Faulks plot twist ...
Thanks for keeping me posted with ditbits of your UK adventure. My blogging isn't really blogging - more random unloading.
Know you all are thought of and loved dearly
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