Sunday, 16 December 2007

Christmas Events for the Kids

The girls attended a Christmas Ball at St. Bees. Finding 'ball' dresses that were modest, fashionable and didn't cost a fortune was a great challenge, especially since we only had 4 hours. We met the fashionable and modest and Julieanne's wasn't too expensive but AC's was another story on the cost. Remember that the dollar is $2.3 to the pound so everything is twice the price for us Amercians. I think we'll be doing some major shopping in the States this summer to avoid the prices here. I'm sure you'll agree, they both looked lovely!

The second and third graders at Nathan's school did a Christmas pantomime, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. First of all that's over 120 kids that needed some type of part. Don't you feel for the teachers? That took some seriously creative stretching. Russ Gladden, you would have been a great asset to these teachers. Nathan was narrator number 8. He handled his three sentences in the limelight well, though he looked a bit nervous.

A pantomime in Enlgand is a song and dance dramatization of well known fairy tales which encourage audience participation. In Nathan's production you saw 'Elfis' and Elf-ton John trying to dance, heard songs from Grease, High School Musical, Elvis, and Snow White. The audience clapped, laughed, cheered, and booed (not at children just at the witches attempts to do away with Snow White) It was an experience.
Remember that land and space is a premium in Merry Ole England which affects everything from roads to school performances. Each student was allowed to request two tickets; if there were any leftovers you could request more on another day. We ended up with three and we still sat on the floor but at least we got to go.
Anna Catherine has continued ballet over here which means a Christmas performance. She got to be in the dance 'Snow' from the Nutcracker on pointe shoes so she was thrilled. She even got her very own tutu to keep that we were able to embellish with sequins.


Russ said...

Doug and Amy had a little girl, Analise Rose on Saturday, December 15. She surprised all by coming 12 days earlier and still weighed in at 7lb.4oz. and 19 3/4 in. long.

Dan and Michelle's second child, Colin Anthony who was born 14 days earlier was the exact same weight.

Dexter Walker said...

Happy holidays to you! Love the blog, and will write more on how things are doing back here. We miss you back here, but know you are doing well. take care, and happy new year!!!